We (me, Clem Herman at the OU and Gillian Arnold of Tectre ltd) are running a short project on gendered microaggression in computing at University. We have run some focus groups and are now at the survey stage.
SO! This post is to help advertise the survey, which you can fill in in English or in Welsh:
We’d like responses from students, as we’re interested in the current picture, but we’re also interested in the experiences of grads and staff. We ask about microaggressions you’ve experienced but also those you’ve witnessed. This means we want to capture responses from guys as well as gals (indeed, from all genders).
The questionnaire is deliberately short but with free text options, and at the end you get the choice to add your details to a second form if you want to enter our prize draw for a £20 Amazon token, or if are interesting in helping us by participating in the next phase (1:1 interviews).