Show & Tell

Last Wednesday BCS Mid Wales held our first “Show and Tell” event. This was the brainchild of Jonathan Roscoe and the basic idea was that people got an opportunity to show off and talk about their half-baked nerdy ideas and projects.

These included a robotic glockenspiel…

And an arduino driven robot tank… (this is Jonathan the organiser, BTW:)

And a talk about the resurrection of the WWLUG (West Wales Linux User Group) complete with obligatory picture of you-know-who…

About 60 people turned up, I think, which is really not bad going for west Wales. And the projects were all interesting – ranging from lots of Arduino powered stuff to HTML5 canvas games, Kinect hacks, and 3D filesystem viewers. It reminded me just how much fun you can have if you let people talk about the stuff that really interests them. I’m already looking forward to the next one:)

1 Comment

  1. Sounds awesome, I love events like this!

    Good news on resurrecting the WWLUG. It died a death a little after I left Aberystwyth. I’ve got the domain until 2013, and I’m happy to transfer it over to whoever wants to take it over. Ditto for the IRC channel on Freenode.


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