First paper from first grant!

We’ve had our first journal paper published from my EPSRC first grant. It gives a comprehensive review of work into the automated image analysis of plants – well, one particular type of plant, Arabidopsis Thaliana. It’s by Jonathan Bell and myself, and it represents a lot of reading, talking and thinking about computer vision and plants. We also make some suggestions which we hope can help inform future work in this area. You can read the full paper here, if you’re interested in computer vision and plant science.

The first grant as a whole is looking at time-lapse photography of plants and aims to build sort-of 3d models representing growth. It’s coming to an end now so we’re wrapping up the details and publishing the work we’ve done. This means keen readers of this blog1 can expect quite a few more posts relating to the first grant soon: we’re going to release a dataset, a schools workshop, and we’ll be submitting another journal paper talking about the science rather than the background.

1Yes, both of you

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